Thursday, June 13, 2013

Some more oldies but goodies.....

Here are a couple of more parodies I created during the Arias trial. 

The Duh-Fense (To the tune of the Flintstones' theme song)

Duhfense, meet the Duhfense,
they're a lesson in absurdity.
Led by, Three Hole Wonder,
Matching clothes and making up stor-ies.
Wilmott, with a less than cool haircut,
Nurmi, slow and dumb with a big gut.
When you're, with the Duhfense,
there really are no true words,
there are not true words,
they can't tell the truth!
Alyce the Buck Toothed Witness (To the tune of Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer)
Alyce the buck toothed witness,
had a pile of lies to tell,
so she came to the courtroom,
from her smarmy place in hell.
All of the trial watchers,
knew she was a big nitwit.
They tried to keep from retching,
while she spewed a bunch of shit.
Then one "foggy" day in May,
Jodi came to say,
"Alyce, you've done me no good,
I'm stuck eating jailhouse food."
Alyce just laughed and smiled,
as she shouted out with glee,
"I'm gonna get my teeth fixed,
with your load of tax mo-ney!"

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