Friday, July 19, 2013

Well, if Jimmy Carter thinks so....

Hello loyal readers.  I apologize for my extended absence.  I have been dealing with some "life" issues that have had me not feeling like writing much.  Many people may use writing as a catharsis, but I have found that when I am stressed, my urge and ability to write seems to totally shut down.  Anyway, on to more important matters. 

So I read Jimmy Carter is saying that the George Zimmerman jury got it right.  Excuse me for disagreeing with a former President and apparent negotiation specialist but I disagree.  I basically outlined my case in a previous blog, pre-trial, and my opinion hasn't changed much.  I'll admit I didn't watch hardly any of the trial but from the news items and such that I read, I saw nothing that would change my opinion.  I think this individual was an overzealous vigilante who went far beyond the bounds of what is required or expected from an average citizen and deprived a seventeen year old of the rest of his life.  I'm not sure that his crime rose to the level of second degree murder but I do believe that a conviction on manslaughter was warranted.  I'm not here to offend anyone.  I am certain there are those of you among my readers who would disagree with me.  This trial seems much more divided in terms of the perceived correct disposition than the Jodi Arias case, where the people who supported her are many fries short of a Happy Meal.  I understand there are many intelligent, perfectly sane individuals in this country who believe George Zimmerman's actions were warranted and that the correct outcome resulted.  I respect those opinions as I hope that others will respect mine that differs.  I believe Zimmerman was guilty of manslaughter and I believe his acquittal sends a dangerous message. 

While I would never advocate or take part in any retribution, I do believe that Mr. Zimmerman will be "free" only in the sense that he will not be behind steel bars.  Much like Casey Anthony, he will be looking over his shoulder the rest of his entire life.  Welcome to life in the new social media age, where a defendant may be exonerated in the courtroom but still has a sentence to serve. 

I hear the Feds are considering filing civil rights charges.  While we're on the subject, allow me to address this aspect of the law.  I believe when our forefathers wrote prohibitions in the Constitution against double jeopardy, I don't think they wished that overzealous lawmen would someday use the separation of state and federal powers as an excuse to twice subject someone to the loss of life or liberty.  I have seen this tactic used in many high profile cases going back many years and I believe it is just wrong.  While I disagree with the jury's decision in the Zimmerman case, I respect it and our system of justice and I don't believe that he should be tried again in some federal loophole.  He faced a jury of his peers and has been exonerated.  Just because there is a racial element to the disgust within some factions of the population does not mean that our government should somehow go searching for ways to try him again.  The jury spoke, it's over, let's move on. 

Thanks to those of you who have stuck with me over these past several weeks.  I am dealing and continue to deal with issues but I don't plan to be gone so long this time.  Until next time.......ta ta for now!

1 comment:

  1. I do hope from this trial that everyone will review their neighborhood watch program. It is called a neighborhood WATCH program not a neighborhood KILL program. And that parents will teach their kids that anytime someone is following them or making them feel even slightly uncomfortable to call 911 from their cell phone.
