Thursday, June 13, 2013

Love the ones you're with...

Good morning, loyal readers (or are we down to just one now?).  I apologize for my extended absence.  As I said, sometimes life with three young kids, a house, etc, gets in the way.  But I'm back, and this time with an important message. 

First, allow me to furnish you some background information.  A couple of weeks ago, my wife insisted that our entire family start following what is known as the Paleo diet.  In simplest terms, my wife told me, you are supposed to eat what the cavemen would.(In defiance, I told her I was taking it a step further and would be bathing as a caveman would.  In other words-NEVER!).  You see, Steve is, always has been, and (until last night) probably always would've been. a meat and potatoes kinda guy.  My diet has never been the best.  I eat a lot of junk, don't eat many fruits and vegetables and if you told me I'd die tomorrow if I continued eating red meat, well, then I'd probably die tomorrow.  I don't take kindly to someone trying to take away my chips, chocolate, etc.  In my defense, while I am overweight, my blood pressure continues to be steady and not a problem and the only aspect about my health that is even slightly concerning is that my triglycerides are a bit high (but not even close to high enough to require medical intervention).  So, in short, I see no reason why I should have to change my diet, seeing as how it doesn't seem to be affecting me very much at all and I've been eating pretty much the same way for 43 years.  I'm not in the best of shape right now, but there have been many times in my life when I exercised regularly and was fit and trim.  So, of course, I said pshaw to my wife's newest diet fad (she's been through several of them.  Hope she isn't reading this.)  That was, until, last night. 

I was informed last night that a high school classmate of mine had a severe heart attack.  As of now, he's in a medically induced coma and on a ventilator.  And he's my age!  Heart attacks (at least of the severe variety) happen to people much later in life, don't they?  Well, apparently not.  I have always considered Bill to be a great guy.  He is admired by most of our classmates as far as I can tell and he's always been a friend to me.  He started his own business awhile back and has built it to the point where it is much respected.  In fact, he posted on his Facebook account just last week that his business would be listed as a preferred vendor on Angie's List and that he was opening an office (to this point, he has worked out of his home).  And now this? 

I have been unable to think of much else since I learned late last evening about Bill's condition.  Most of that is because I consider Bill one of the good people on this earth and I sincerely hope that he is able to pull through and get back to his usual self.  But I believe some part of my preoccupation has to do with my own mortality and the thought that someone my age could suffer such a serious heart attack.  It really makes me think about my own situation. 

I'm not intimately knowledgeable of Bill's diet or his exercise habits.  I don't know if there are things he could've done to prevent this.  All I know is that I am the father of two young sons and I want to be around for a long time, to watch them grow and someday start families of their own.  I owe it to them to be here as long as I possibly can.  And that's what I'm gonna do.  Perhaps eating like a caveman won't be so bad, if it lets me spend just a little more precious time with my boys. 

Today, I would like to ask each and every one of you to hug and kiss your loved ones and let them know just how much they mean to you.  You never know when you won't get that chance again.  Until next time, take care. 

1 comment:

  1. Steve: Hope your friend recovers soon. That's a great post, and with over a thousand page views, I would guess there are more than two people following along ! My diet (and elevated triglycerides) pretty much is the same as yours, and sadly, as we get "older" it takes its toll. Will be interesting to see what diet cavemen have/had! Do you have to draw pictures on the walls too ??! Good Luck with that, and let us know how that works out for you. Keep the posts coming...we are here ! Best to you....Rick Wyman
